Drag racing’s allure

Humans have been driving cars of a hundred years or so. Most people do it because they have a need to get somewhere quickly. But there are some people that are aficionados of driving. And there are special sports and events when it comes to driving cars. It’s not all about circuit racing and driving multiple laps. In fact, one of the most exciting racing sports is that of drag racing. Read why below.

 Drag racing’s allureThe 10 seconds of pure excitement

When it comes to drag racing, the most frequent complaint is that it lasts very short. And we can see why this is the case. Most events end in 10-15 seconds, or so. However, the quality of the experience is practically unmatched. It’s easy to compare regular racing and drag racing to marathons and sprints. Most people would agree that it’s much more satisfying and exciting to watch sprints than marathons – albeit the events are shorter.
So, drag racing is not for those that are weak of heart. Minutes before the event starts – you will start to feel heart palpitations. The excitement is incomparable to anything else. And when the cars start driving – all hell breaks loose. It’s a pleasure to witness these events.

The skill of the driver

It’s not just about the power of the car – though this is one of the most important elements. It’s also about how skilled the driver is. Believe it or not, there is a lot of skill involved in drag racing. The time being so short – the driver needs to make every little move count. If there is a lapse of attention for 0.1 seconds – then it’s a critical mistake that may cost the race. If there is a single wrong move, then the event is done for, for the driver.
So, it takes many years to master the art and science of drag racing. But the experience can be rewarding. Both the drivers and the people watching the event will have a blast. It’s for a reason that this is one of the most popular and most exciting of driving events.

In conclusion

By now you have learned about what exactly makes drag racing so fun. If you’re interested, then you can see a few events on YouTube. But there is nothing as exhilarating as watching a live drag racing event. Except for, of course, joining such an event as a driver, yourself.